Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stormy Weather

We had quite the storm this evening. I LOVE storms---when I can stay in the house and be all cozylike! I am NOT looking forward to any hurricanes though. They usually come through the gulf around September or so. We're getting close! If Bill and Danny are indication, I'm sure we'll have to batten down the hatches once or twice.

My son will be returning from training in a few days. Soon he'll go back to Iraq---or possibly Afghanistan. Either way, I'll try not to be sad about it till then. It doesn't matter whether I agree with the current policies or not, I'll support my son 500%.

My oven is on the blitz so I can't work with my clay till I can get it repaired---NEXT month! (Sniff!) Think I'll tackle a cloth doll or two. That should cure my creative itching. I'm writing two books too, so wish me luck!

Peace All,
the DragonLady

Monday, August 17, 2009

Butterfly Wings.

Dear All,

Here are some Butterfly wings I drew. Actually, I drew 1/2 of it freehand, then had the image reversed via computer and then they were printed up. That way I get a perfect pair.

I tried doing it the old fashioned way, but the constant redrawing and tracing distorted them too much for my tastes.

These will eventually be colored and used as Faerie wings for future pieces. I could also have them printed up on artist's velum too. That would be pretty.

Peace All and thanks for looking!
the DragonLady