Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Dear World,

Today, it was HEAVEN. It was just a gorgeous day out. FINALLY some cooler weather here! It was sunny, NOT muggy in the least---just perfect weather for sittin' outside and tinkering around in the garden.

It's so wonderful in fact; I think we're going to have a barbecue. Grilled burgers and hotdogs. . . MMmmmnn! Totally bad for you, but great food. Now there's an oxymoron, lol.

Peace All,
the DragonLady

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crap Shoot.

Oh God, today was a rotten day. I've been fighting with the spouse for two days about the importance of NOT lying in marriage---about anything, and the kids decide to pick this day to hand me crap. It's a wonder anyone is living. (Just kidding.)

I can't think straight on a rotten day---other than to say that I want my mommy! Of course, this would be the one person that isn't living anymore.

Well, there's always an upside---there's always tomorrow.

Peace All,
the DragonLady

Friday, September 11, 2009

Eighty Bucks Down the Tube.

Dear All,

I'm well aware that today was September 11th. I figure the best way to honor it was by simply living my life. So that being said, apparently my 'best' was to drop my MP3 player into my coffee as I was rushing off to drop people off at work and pick up other members of my family clear across town.

MP3 players apparently don't do well in coffee. While I fished it out as fast as could (it sank like a rock.), the damage was done.

I've murdered my MP3 player on September 11th of all days.

After that debacle, I thought I'd try 'gluten free' bread with dinner tonight. Someone 'helpful' thought it might be good for me. I thought it resembled my dead MP3 player---being that it was about as heavy as a rock. It's certainly filling, I'll give it that.

Peace All,
the DragonLady

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fall Off.

Well, I think I could fall off the planet and no one would notice. Ever have days like that?

Today was one of those days for my entire family. I think we don't give all the little things that eat away at you nearly as much credit. What makes up the BIG shi! after all?

A THOUSAND little things.

No new art to post, but I'm working on stuff so keep yer' hat on!

Peace All,
the DragonLady