Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Hate Hacking at a Cured Piece!

Well, the Nature Face is cured, but. . . with a large air pocket next to the left eye. (Curses and Buggers!) I don't believe I will attempt a cover-up with neatly placed greenery, so that leaves just hacking it off and refilling it. I never liked doing that with a cured piece, but sometimes that is the nature of the medium. Other than that, it turned out well and I am reasonably happy with the features. I think it's more feminine than male, so that's what I'll run with. I'm not sure if I like the 'texture' bit, but I think it will really add to it once I get all the leaves placed.

Peace All---and thanks for looking!

the DragonLady

Monday, May 16, 2011


Well, I started working on my Nature face again after I got the beading out of my system for awhile. I picked out the perfect pair of eyes and it's been refine, refine and REFINE! Just when I think I am ready to cure it, I go and change something and then I do it again. . . and again.

I am good with the noses, I am fairly comfortable with the mouth/lips, but I always get stopped up at the EYESES! I know I know how they go---after all, I've got two of my very own, but. . . something happens to me brain when I go and sculpt the eyes in! I'm sure that will go away if I do enough of them, right??? Still, I had hoped to be farther along in general.

Here's a progress pic. I like the basic expression so far, I am adding details continuously. I will bake it BEFORE I start adding in a bunch of leaves. Nothing like ruining good work by adding a a few dozen leaves and what not!

Peace All,

the DragonLady

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Not Wholly Idle

Well, times have been somewhat difficult economically for us, but I've not been totally idle. I LOVE sparkly, feminine jewelry---although, I seldom actually wear it. However, I recently made this sparkly necklace and bracelet just for fun, but someone is already eyeballing it! I absolutely HAVE to get a pic in here of her wearing it as it drapes so prettily! It doesn't look like much unless you're WEARING it!

Peace All,

the DragonLady

When I want to play with the beads, then I absolutely MUST get them out and play or they will all roll around in the hallways of my mind like marbles.