Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting It.

I've gotten closer to the eyes that I want my current nature face to have, the last ones I made came out too big as I didn't size them quite right, but I'm really liking the colors I've chosen: a pale green with gold mixed in. I mean, it's a GreenMan . . . . or woman after all---it hasn't said yet, 'they' usually tell me who they are AFTER I get the eyes in. The weather has been SO gorgeous here lately, I wish I could bring the clay outside and sculpt away.

Here is a sort of sideways pic of eyes I made awhile back. (I forgot to flip it). Eyes don't look like much till you get them pretty much finished and glossed. They take on an even greater 'life' once they're in a piece, so you kind of have 'to keep the faith' so to speak. I work very hard to get them as even as possible, but they really don't have to be exact matches, sometimes a bit of difference really gives a piece that 'spark'.
Peace All,
the DragonLady

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Dear All,

I have a whole jar full of eyeballs I've made over time (sounds creepy, doesn't it?) and I don't like a single pair for the current face I am making. So, now I am making another pair or two. I have yet to 'perfect' the best way to make eyeballs, so each pair is a learning thing. I can't really go much farther in a piece until the eyes are in, so. . . the 'eyes have it'---and they have to be just right.

My daughters wanted to take a trip to Goodwill for a 'new' purse. You never know what you will find there and for variety? Well, you can't beat a thrift store. However; I saw something that gave me pause today. I think someone who collected dolls like there was no tomorrow either died or got fed up and cleaned house. There was a large slew of dolls still in their boxes sitting on the Goodwill store shelves---from collectible Barbies to porcelain babies. (No, I didn't cart any of them home---some of them gave me the creeps.) I imagine some other 'collector' will snatch them up. I like dolls to a certain extent, but I can't imagine shelves and shelves just full of dolls staring back at me collecting dust along the way. (I hate dusting.) I think I'd have this crazy urge to take most of them apart and remake them into something less. . . cold.

Peace All,

the DragonLady

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Those Lovely Doll Hands

Here is a pic or two of those lovely doll hands I'd mentioned earlier. I have no idea what they were doing on a doll with a big head; they're much too 'delicate' for that size.

One of my son's art professors recently told me that I would 'do quite well' if I were to try and sell my nature faces at local nurseries and such, so I'm starting another one. I think I'd like to fill up my Etsy shoppe with moon and nature faces too, but I'll ask a local nursery or two and see what they say.

These things never look like much when I first start them off---just aluminum foil crumpled up into a sort of face and then I cover it all with a good coat of tacky glue. The larger faces need a plate or a wood round, but I don't care to use wood all that much as it can split and ruin good work---even after a test bake. Cheap ceramic plates work rather well.

Peace All,

the DragonLady